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Åtnjut fördelarna av en smartare, grönare och effektivare energilösning.
Fyll i kontaktformuläret eller kontakta vårt kundteam direkt på hello@kapacity.io.
Ledare inom värmepumpstransformationen
"Our 70-year-old rintamamiestalo in Puistola, Helsinki, consumes a significant amount of heating energy during the winter months. With Kapacity.io's market electricity control, we have managed to save 15% on the electricity costs of our Mitsubishi air-to-water heat pump. We are very satisfied with these results and are excited to see how we can further improve energy efficiency by integrating solar panel control into the system."
“We are committed to developing new sustainable services that extend beyond the boundaries of Asuntosäätiö and benefit society as a whole.”
"Kapacity.io's demand response service was extremely easy to get started with as electricity prices peaked during the winter 2022/2023. We are extremely satisfied with the results and are expanding the use of the service."
"Kapacity.io takes bold actions towards a more sustainable built environment by providing load balancing services for buildings. NIBE S-series heat pumps support the service."
“Our collaboration was born out of a shared vision: to create a service that empowers households to take control of their energy usage without compromising on comfort”