Heat pump optimization at DB Schenker’s logistics terminal


DB Schenker, a leading supply chain management and logistics solutions provider uses Kapacity.io’s demand response service for optimizing their heat pump system against day-ahead electricity market prices at Lieto in Finland. DB Schenker is now expanding collaboration to other terminal and storage facilities in Finland.


Real estate


DB Schenker, a leading supply chain management and logistics solutions provider uses Kapacity.io’s demand response service for optimizing their heat pump system against day-ahead electricity market prices at Lieto in Finland.

DB Schenker is now expanding collaboration to other terminal and storage facilities in Finland.


The Lieto terminal is a large building complex that covers a total of over 18,000 m2 and was equipped with a heat pump system in 2020.

DB Schenker chose Kapacity.io to push their decarbonization and energy efficiency initiatives to a higher level. With Kapacity.io’s demand response service, DB Schenker gained significant emission and cost savings.

The control service was implemented via an application programming interface (API) integration to the existing building management system. Through the API, Kapacity.io’s cloud retrieves operational data from the heat pump system, including temperature measurements as well as energy and power metering.

Kapacity.io collaborated with the heat pump turn key provider to add failsafes to the automation system. This ensures uninterrupted operation  also in case internet connection fails.

Continuous Controls

Kapacity.io’s demand response service adjusts electricity consumption of a building in response to changes in hourly electricity prices. During peak prices and high demand hours, the service reduces electricity consumption automatically.

The predictive control scheme involved using data analytics and machine learning to predict the optimal operation of the heat pump system based on various factors, such as weather forecasts, heat pump system requirements and  electricity prices. By using predictive control, Kapacity.io was able to anticipate changes in energy demand and adjust the operation of the heat pump system accordingly.

In conclusion, Kapacity.io’s demand response service provided significant energy and emissions savings for DB Schenker with a swift and straightforward implementation. Next, DB Schenker and Kapacity.io are expanding collaboration to other terminal and storage facilities in Finland.

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